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Meet new people
using your instagram
Meet new people
using your instagram
share compatibility quizzes on your profile!
share compatibility quizzes on your profile!

99% MATCH 🔥

……… has answered your quiz.

You are an ENTP!!
Discover your personality
Discover your personality
Have a free test and
discover your personality type.
Have a free test and
discover your personality type.

You are an ENTP!!
Discover your personality
Have a free test and
discover your personality type.
Share a compatibility
test on instagram
Share a compatibility test
on instagram
Share a compatibility
test on instagram
Easily share a questionaire on your stories with a link and keep the link in your bio to be easily approached by new followers.
Easily share a questionaire on your stories with a link and keep the link in your bio to be easily approached by new followers.
Easily share a questionaire on your stories with a link and keep the link in your bio to be easily approached by new followers.

Start Texting

Receive answers
Receive answers
receive answers from your peers, start a conversation in DMs and get rid off cringe pickup lines.
receive answers from your peers, start a conversation in DMs and get rid off cringe pickup lines.
Receive answers
receive answers from your peers, start a conversation in DMs and get rid off cringe pickup lines.

Start Texting
What is Matchly?
Is it easy to use?
What's the difference with Tinder?
Do I need to have an Instagram Account?
Why sharing the link?
What is Matchly?
Is it easy to use?
What's the difference with Tinder?
Do I need to have an Instagram Account?
Why sharing the link?
What is Matchly?
Is it easy to use?
What's the difference with Tinder?
Do I need to have an Instagram Account?
Why sharing the link?
Download the App
Find your match
Download the App
Find your match
Your personality — Your quiz.
Your personality — Your quiz.